
[SYMFONY26] RedirectToRouteRector

gander opened this issue · 2 comments

Code example:

    public function index(): RedirectResponse
        $routeBuilder = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);

        return $this->redirect($routeBuilder->setController(ExampleCrudController::class)->generateUrl());

Rector want change this:

    ---------- begin diff ----------
@@ @@
         $routeBuilder = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);

-        return $this->redirect($routeBuilder->setController(ExampleCrudController::class)->generateUrl());
+        return $this->redirectToRoute(null);

     public function configureDashboard(): Dashboard
    ----------- end diff -----------

Applied rules:
 * RedirectToRouteRector

But this is ok:

    public function index(): RedirectResponse
        $routeBuilder = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);
        $routeUrl = $routeBuilder->setController(ExampleCrudController::class)->generateUrl();

        return $this->redirect($routeUrl);

I'll try to work out a solution, bugfix.

Yes you can add a test fixture for this rector rule

I really haven't had time to do more with it yet. Just enough to report it.