
Cannot manually expire a coupon redemption on an account

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Documentation suggests that it is possible to expire single coupon redemption at a time. However, this raises a NotFoundError, with the following stack trace:

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/recurly/", line 673, in delete
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/recurly/", line 685, in raise_http_error
    raise exc_class(response_xml)
NotFoundError: No route matches [DELETE] "/v2/accounts/{{replaced account code}}/redemptions/{{replaced redemption uuid}}s/{{replaced redemption uuid}}"

Correct url for expiring the coupon redemption seems to be

This is according to above mentioned documentation and by trying it out by monkey patching the delete_url method on Redemption class.

Current implementation of delete_url() is as follows:

    def delete_url(self):
      return self._url + "s/" + self.uuid

But the redemption._url (returned by api) is already in the form

and thus concatenating the "s/" and uuid once more breaks it.

bhelx commented

Closed due to #149