
How to implement mutiple plot. Argument problems.

kojix2 opened this issue · 6 comments

2020 03-05, GR.rb, partially supports multiple plots.
I haven't implemented oplot yet.

GR.jl x1, y1, x2, y2.
GR.rb [x1, y1] , [x2, y2]
This is an idea inspired by numo-gnuplot.

GR.jl has functions that parse arguments, but GR.rb does not.

I don't think the GR.jl approach should be introduced into GR.rb. Ruby and Julia are different languages. But there is something that GR.rb needs to improve.

I feel GR.rb [x1, y1] , [x2, y2] is natural. x-y relation is clear.

As you may know, in numo-gnuplot, both styles are available:

plot [x1,y1,{}], [x2,y2,{}]
plot x1,y1,{}, x2,y2 (in Japanese)

Thanks @mcksshg for your opinion.

I changed my mind.
I think the GR.jl way is reasonable now.

I will be porting GR.jl's approach to GR.rb soon...

plot ? plot_args
oplot ? plot_args
step xyac plot_args
scatter xyac plot_args
stem ? plot_args
barplot ? args
histogram ? args
polarhistogram ? args
contour xyzc plot_args
contourf xyzc plot_args
hexbin ? plot_args
heatmap ? args
polarheatmap ? args
wireframe xyzc plot_args
surface xyzc plot_args
volume ? afgs
plot3 xyzc plot_args
scatter3 xyzc plot_args
redraw - -
title - -
xlabel - -
ylabel - -
legend - -
xlim - -
ylim - -
savefig - -
meshgrid - -
peaks - -
imshow ? args
isosurface ? args
cart2sph - -
sph2cart - -
polar ? plot_args
trisurf xyzc plot_args
tricont xyzc plot_args
shade xys plot_args
setpanzoom - -

I tried to implement... but gave up!

My math and programming skills are not high.
I will make bugs. And nobody will be happy.

The current approach is simple, so bugs are less likely to appear.
It's not very cool. But I will continue this way.

The problem is specs.

If there is a character string at the end of the array, GR.rb process it as a spec.

GR.plot( x, y, "s" )
GR.plot( [x, y, "d"], [x, y2, "s"] )

Also, I prepare spec keyword argument.

GR.plot(x, y, spec: "s")
GR.plot([x, y, spec: "s"])