
Meaning of -H option. With header? Or without header?

kojix2 opened this issue · 0 comments

csvtk is a great command line tool.
In csvtk, the -H option means that there are no header lines.

In YouPlot, on the other hand, the -H option means that there is a header line.

I thought about reversing the meaning of the -H option in YouPlot.


YouPlot is designed to be used with other Unix command line tools.
It is true that YouPlot can display CSV files.
However, it is more likely that you will get data from standard input.

YouPlot uses tab delimiters by default.
Since many command line tools produce tab-delimited output.

Because of this policy, the meaning of the -H option will not change.

This might make a bit of confusion when using csvtk and YouPlot.
However, I have decided to stick with the current policy.
I may change my mind again in the future.

So if you have an idea, feel free to enter your opinion in the input box below.