
[Explore] RESTful APIs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What change would you like to make to the tech radar?

Use of RESTful APIs as a way to decouple UI and backend

Why do you believe this is valuable to Redgate?

Good practice, decoupling, powerful technique, cross-platform

Where should this be on the tech radar?

Whilst established practice in industry, probably explore in red-gate
Don't know which quadrant this belongs in.

If this should be in the Explore ring, who is committed to exploring it?

Quite possibly in the Oracle team-to-be, but depends on what we work on

onatm commented

I think this should be in Adopt. SQL Clone has a RESTful API for a quite some time. Also, @red-gate/spiders built their RESTful API as well.

Sounds ready for Adopt, which is nice!

Anyone keen to open a PR?