
Unable to start live data sidecar without the secrets file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The live data sidecar documentation allows for not using credentials to access Zookeeper, but the sidecar won't start unless the secrets file is populated.

I would have expected the live data sidecar to start without a secrets file and gracefully fail if it access secrets and there are none. Alternately, ZK credentials could be required to run the sidecar.

Command used to run sidecar: exec python3 -m baseplate.sidecars.live_data_watcher $DEBUG "$CONFIG_PATH"

Result: This log indicates that the sidecar is not fetching live data because the secret file is not yet available.

/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.
/var/local/secrets.json: file not yet available. sleeping.

Am I understanding correctly that you'd like to use the sidecar in a situation where no credentials are required to access a node in zookeeper?

I'm lost on what the context was here, sorry I'm closing as I think this is obsolete.