
Expose and Variant have difficult method signatures

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Mostly the hard part to keep track of is name in variant and experiment_name in expose.

From here:

    def variant(
        name: str,
        user: Optional[User] = None,
        bucketing_event_override: Optional[bool] = None,
        **kwargs: str,
    ) -> Optional[str]:

From here:

    def expose(
        self, experiment_name: str, variant_name: str, user: Optional[User] = None, **kwargs: str
    ) -> None:

Would it be possible to add experiment_name to variant and deprecate name? Or just accept both?

Making the naming consistent between the two calls sounds good to me. Deprecating the old one also sounds good as long as we don't break apps that are using the old name still.

Are you interested in taking this on?

Yes, I am interested in taking it on. I wanted to ask before filing a PR.