
Secret Fetcher Sidecar Lacks Signal Handling

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We discovered a few minutes ago that the secret fetcher doesn't actually respond to SIGTERM. This seems poor. We should probably fix that.

What do you mean by "respond to SIGTERM"? Do you expect it to do something other than immediately exit when receiving that signal?

That's exactly what I expect it to do. Another engineer reported this. Apparently something is swallowing the signal though, preventing the container from being killed. Maybe this would be a better fit issue for the actual repo that builds the images instead of the code.

Got it, yeah, the process itself does not swallow any signals and I've confirmed that a non-containerized one dies immediately on SIGTERM. My gut says this sounds like the CMD shell syntax goes here vs CMD ["raw", "args"] problem we've run into in a few other places.

Yep, you're almost certainly right. I'll close this out and open it on the other repo.