
trail size/map change/various issues

yboem opened this issue · 0 comments

yboem commented

hello there,

i have some various issues i would like to discuss. please forgive me as i am not the very best with technology, yet i would love to continue to use your application.

#1 i encounter is the trail size i leave behind, it is very tiny and it wont resize if i zoom in or out. like this it is not possible for me to have a complete overview since the trail dissapears because its too small. even if i zoom in i have a difficult time to see it.

#2 i would like to know if it is possible to change the map. at the moment i use the "streetmap" (i think this is the name) but it makes it veru difficult to see my trail. possibly it will be better if problem #1 is fixed, but then the question still remains out of interest.

#3 i downloaded this app at the playstore and i noticed there were 2 options for download, tiny travel tracker - free and tiny travel tracker (which also seems to be free). is there a difference? both had problem #1 also, but on top of that they both loaded no map at all. this made me search and finally find "f-droid". i managed to install this app via the fdroid application, but i discover soon after that i still encounter problems.

for this i write you, and thank you in advance for the time you take to look into my issues.