
Investigate camel-k client hash verification failure for mirror

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Hash verification of camel-k client is failing after the latest release. Investigate/Enquire the same with OpenShift Mirror team.


The mac and windows are bogus too but here is a simple script to show the issue with the files in the mirror.

URL= > camel-k-client-1.6.6-linux-64bit.tar.gz
FILE=$(basename $URL)
curl $URL > $FILE
curl $URL.md5 > $FILE.md5
cat $FILE.md5
md5sum $FILE 

EXPECTED=$(cat $FILE.md5)
ACTUAL=$(md5sum $FILE)
if [ "$EXPECTED" != "$ACTUAL" ]; then 
  echo "BOGUS FILE in openshift mirror" 
  echo "ACTUAL $ACTUAL" 

.md5 actually contains sha256 hash instead 🤔 (it matches with the original file). Anyway, we're looking into this and should be fixed ASAP 😉

This seems weird.

It seems the md5 checksum file uploaded is not the correct one. The correct one is:

$ cat mac-client-1.6.6.fuse-800003-redhat-00001.tar.gz.md5 
dc5234b19c708129d76f3040c4ba9482  mac-client-1.6.6.fuse-800003-redhat-00001.tar.gz

and that md5 file is not the one uploaded into the expected directory. Instead there is some wrong d7b531739e6772b44ef4b8201a8e0a5c508c93e87019970c6d14bbe80859a279 (which I don't know where it is coming from). The files are uploaded via ART ticket in Jira: - it is mentioned there there was some sync problem. Maybe that affected the upload process. I suggest to re-execute that (above all the md5 files upload).

FYI md5 files for clients were fixed

I do see a change in the naming convention inside the md5 file.
Earlier it used to be camel-k-client-1.6.6-mac-64bit.tar.gz (same as name of binary downloaded) but now it is mac-client-1.6.6.fuse-800003-redhat-00001.tar.gz. Is there any specific reason for this change as hash verification from our end is still failing due to this change (as it is designed to match the name of the downloaded file, very similar to other tools in the mirror)

I can see they have the expected naming conventions:

Yeah that's fine. I was talking about contents inside camel-k-client-1.6.6-mac-64bit.tar.gz.md5. Earlier it used to be something like

dc5234b19c708129d76f3040c4ba9482  camel-k-client-1.6.6-mac-64bit.tar.gz

But now it is:

dc5234b19c708129d76f3040c4ba9482  mac-client-1.6.6.fuse-800003-redhat-00001.tar.gz

Ah, okey. I will report back to the original request and see if they can fix it.

Great, Thanks!

This seems to be resolved now. Thanks all!