oc logs group-sync-operator-controller-manager-5fccd67fd6-fnm5q manager I0703 1 request.go:601] Waited for 1.027797416s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://<>:443/apis/jaegertracing.io/v1?timeout=32s 1.6883884619252145e+09 ERROR setup unable to start manager {"error": "configmaps lock is removed, migrate to configmapsleases"} main.main /home/runner/work/group-sync-operator/group-sync-operator/main.go:78 runtime.main /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.18.9/x64/src/runtime/proc.go:250
smachiwenyika opened this issue · 1 comments
smachiwenyika commented
How do i resolve this the 2 operators are stuck.
smachiwenyika commented
Issue solved by uninstalling the Group Sync Operator and reinstalling it.
You can take a backup of your configs before you uninstall.