update 0.2.0 -> 0.2.3 limits or quotas always added
ichmachnixichgucknur opened this issue · 5 comments
I am using the operator just to configure namespaces - resourcequotas and limitranges - running on kubernetes (no Openshift).
I am running 0.2.0 and it does a great job. Now I wanted to update to 0.2.3 and a problem. Every configuration is added, but not deleted/released. So if I change somthing, the new matching configuration just added to the namespace configuration. That's the case for resourcequotas as for limitranges. But there are no error messages in the log.
Looks like this:
Status: Active
Resource Quotas
Name: nsconfig-default
Resource Used Hard
-------- --- ---
pods 0 50
Name: nsconfig-large
Resource Used Hard
-------- --- ---
pods 0 100
Name: nsconfig-superlarge
Resource Used Hard
-------- --- ---
pods 0 250
Resource Limits
Type Resource Min Max Default Request Default Limit Max Limit/Request Ratio
---- -------- --- --- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
Pod cpu - 1 - - -
Pod memory - 1Gi - - -
Container ephemeral-storage - 1500Mi 1250Mi 1250Mi -
Pod cpu - 2 - - -
Pod memory - 2Gi - - -
Container ephemeral-storage - 2Gi 1250Mi 1250Mi -
Pod cpu - 14 - - -
Pod memory - 16Gi - - -
Container ephemeral-storage - 27Gi 1250Mi 1250Mi -```
Any idea?
@ichmachnixichgucknur could you provide us with the NamespaceConfig here so we can try to recreate? thanks!
@cnuland, sure.
Here is an example:
apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
kind: NamespaceConfig
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
creationTimestamp: "2020-09-28T09:07:13Z"
- namespace-config-operator
generation: 2
name: nsconfig-default
resourceVersion: "6653557"
selfLink: /apis/redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1/namespaceconfigs/nsconfig-default
uid: de634d34-a72e-4703-8ca1-cd28cc6ecbca
annotationSelector: {}
- key: meta.example.com/nsconfig-ns-profile
operator: NotIn
- large
- superlarge
- key: meta.example.com/namespace-name
operator: Exists
- excludedPaths:
- .metadata
- .status
- .spec.replicas
objectTemplate: |
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: nsconfig-default
namespace: {{ .Name }}
pods: "50"
Quick update on this, I was able to reproduce this issue on 0.2.3, but I also see the same issue in 0.2.2 when testing in OCP, specifically when dealing with NamespaceConfig
. I only had a couple hours to investigate this last week, but will budget some more time later this week to investigate further (including testing in k8s) and look into a solution. Thank you for the patience!
Found the source of this issue, tracking PR in the operator-utils project
Thank you!