
Clean up Miscellaneous Docs and Upstream Documentation pages

Closed this issue · 5 comments

As for videos, we have newer content: (e.g FOSDEM day)

Ok, then we probably want to update the page instead of archiving it. I'd move it under, just not sure about the section for it. Stay informed?

Didn't intend to close that. The PR said "partially closes".

So the status here is we have two pages left in the misc category:

@rbowen @hguemar Is there somebody who could help me review those two or confirm they can be safely removed?

While I would like to have manageiq docs, I'm not sure who we need to talk to about this. There's something at and perhaps we should drop our local, outdated doc, and link there instead.

The testing with rally doc, I believe, just needs to go away.