
Remove Gemfile.lock from repo

Closed this issue · 8 comments

If we clone the source and follow instructions from, we can't start a development middleman because Gemfile.lock was present already, and no gems are installed when calling

Garrett and Misc disagree, and say that the lockfile is necessary.

Sorry, I didn't intend to close that.

Yup, I forgot the details, but we need it so we can have reproductible environment. I would have agreed with Javier in theory, but in practice, not having the lock caused too much issue :/

I am gonna try the READMe later, to see the message/error.

Mmm, now it works for me without removing Gemfile.lock. Before it failed because ./ could not find the middleman gem.

Anyway, it works now. Nevermind.

Hitting the same issue here with not being able to find middleman. Removing or updating Gemfile.lock did not help. Any ideas what could be the cause?

What worked for me when I had issues was:

  • Remove Gemfile.lock
  • Run ./
  • ./

Optionally, you can create your own directory for the Ruby gems (before running

  • mkdir /tmp/gems
  • export GEM_HOME=/tmp/gems

What worked for me when I had issues was:

Can confirm that it works now but I swear it did not yesterday. Some strange caching issue?

OK to close then?

Closing, per Petr saying that it's working.