
TripleO quickstart as a production platform

Closed this issue · 11 comments

The main page states:

Deploy a production cloud with the TripleO Quickstart.

I have mentioned before and I'll mention again, TripleO quickstart cannot be used to deploy a production cloud. The following page indicates as much.

The link then takes folks here:

which creates confusion between TripleO and TripleO QS. Also then RDO Manager is still referenced at the bottom.

The solution I would see is to send people who are looking for a production cloud off to
Then introduce the three "RDO" options like tripleo QS, packstack (which is confusingly called All-In-One quickstart) and (that PoC is still running Liberty - should we even still link to it?)

But honestly I don't know where to begin or whether I really want to. I'd need there to be some sign that RDO folks agree that the above is broken before spending any time on it.

I agree that the current way that we talk about things makes it very confusing as to the difference between TripleO and TripleO QS.

I thought we had weeded out all mentions of "RDO Manager".

I agree with what you say in the paragraph "The solution ...".

Meanwhile, I think it's probably time to stop pointing people to TryStack, as conversations around bringing that up to the present have gone almost nowhere.

Let's start with this phrasing on the front page:

Try out OpenStack in one of three ways:

  • Deploy a production cloud with the TripleO Quickstart.
  • lets you try OpenStack with your own applications in our sandbox environment.
  • Spin up an all-in-one concept cloud with the All-In-One Quickstart.

How would like to see that reframed?

Create an OpenStack cloud in one of three ways:

Spin up an all-in-one concept cloud with Packstack (links to packstack page)
Deploy a production cloud with the TripleO (links to
Develop and Test OpenStack with the TripleO Quickstart tool (links to tripleoQS page)

Thanks for your input, @cbrown2.

packstack (which is confusingly called All-In-One quickstart)

Here, I'd argue that calling it, for example, "Packstack quickstart" would be confusing too ("what is Packstack?", "why should I care?"). Alternatively, we could go with "All-In-One Packstack quickstart", but then the heading might be too long.

People need to know the name of the tool they are working with. So each page that gets linked has a brief explanation of the tool and why it is used.

@rbowen thanks for accepting and making the changes. I have some free time coming up so I'll look at cleaning up the pages they link to. I think we need to have a definite division of packstack and quickstart terminology - currently the packstack link is install/quickstart/ which is again confusing.

If you have strong feelings about how this should be phrased, I would encourage you to put together a pull request and bring it back to rdo-list for discussion. Unlike some of the phrasing changes that have been proposed, changing the name (or, rather, how we talk about it) of our tools requires more input from a larger audience.

Also, changing the URL structure to reflect reality is totally ok by me. The current URL tree is a historical artifact - nothing more - and while we might want to retain certain shortcuts, I'm absolutely fine with fixing our rather broken information architecture, and making it match how we want people to navigate our content. And, I'd rather do this now, while the site is still relatively small.


$ find ./ | grep -v blog | grep -v newsletter | egrep -c ".md$"

I have always seen Packstack referred to as Packstack and TripleO QS referred to as such so my hope is that the two pages that link off the front page clarify the two options. Certainly not proposing to change the name or how it is referred.

But at the moment for example, if someone came on the list and said "hello, I have an issue and I'm using quickstart", you would assume (or I would) that they are using TripleO QS. Fair comment?

It would be important to make clear the two use cases. There is some overlap but for me, QS has always been about development and testing for TripleO, Packstack has been for a quick PoC.

Typically, when someone says they're using the quickstart, I assume Packstack. Because at the beginning, that was the only quickstart. So, yes, clarification is helpful.

Also, the TripleO QS was created, initially, because TripleO seemed to be the way that we were heading as the One True Way, but the TripleO installation page was absurdly complicated to hand to a beginner, and we wanted something that was more along the lines of the other quickstart.

Leading, of course, to the confusion we have now. It bugs me that there are so many recommended ways to install, and we do indeed need to do a better job of explaining which road people should head down.

I believe that we probably should change how we refer to these things, but I want to get input from the larger community, because I'm not entirely certain what messaging we want to go with.

ok, maybe update this ticket once decision is in and I'm happy to help press on with sorting website.

Closing this as the production referencing has been updated, thanks for accepting these changes.