
Implement configuration flow

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Choose your table

  • owner, dataset/project, table
  • Validate existence, size, show error messaging
  • Fetch table (bust cache if table hash hash has changed)
  • Update for exact references

Choose map parameters

  • country (use helpers/countryList)
    • options.region
  • state/province (optional, maybe a toggle to choose it)
    • options.subregion
  • lat/lon variables
    • options.latitudeIndicator, longitudeIndicator
  • roads
    • If USA w/ no subregion, they can't specify roads (we download a custom map)
    • Choices: motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential
    • Help link:
    • passed as options.roads array of strings

Choose settings

  • settings.coverageTravelTime (integer, minutes)
  • settings.resolution (integer, 512, 1024, 2048)
  • settings.showPoints (bool)
  • settings.pointRadius (integer, default 2)
  • OPTIONAL: settings.colorScale (array of hex)