
SW development environment

j-zimnowoda opened this issue · 0 comments


The otomi CLI is heavily used during SW development. It has a lot of dependencies.
Our initial approach was to package everything in docker and to perform CLI commands inside container.
This methodology served us well but it has some cavets that we would like to mitigate:

  • Our Docker builds support only Intel arch (thus laptops with ARM will emulate execution)
  • Executing CLI commands in docker is much slower that executing it directly on host (container start time)
  • It is difficult to connect VScode debugger to the CLI that is executed in container
  • CLI in container may not have access to authentication plugins for kubectl

Therefor we would like to execute every Otomi CLI command directly on host.

User Story

AS Adeveloper
I WANT TO install all required dependencies by executing on script
SOI can quickly get my environment ready for the development

Acceptance criteria

GIVENDependencies defined in the tools/Dockerfile file AND I use MacOS with brew
WHEN I execute npm run install dev:macos-deps
THEN all required dependencies are installed on my system

Definition of done

  • Relevant PRs are merged
  • Tested by peer
  • Updated documentation reviewed by peer
  • Short demo video recorded and stored on google drive (if applicable)