
Need a template project/tutorial for understanding importing to libgdx

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi HyperLap2D team, I made a sample UI design with this tool, but not able to find out any tutorial/template to integrate the design the libgdx project. Could you please make a template project/tutorial for this. Or provide the link if already made. Thanks.

fgnm commented

With UI design do you mean HUD/GUI? If so, I generally don't advise to make this kind of stuff with HyperLap2D.. This editor borns to create whatever you need to place object freely in the screen, HUD usually needs constraints, alignment, responsive and so on.. That's why there's integrated Skin Composer plugin: Window -> Skin Composer. This is a very great tool made for libGDX's Scene2D that helps you create visually widgets and HUD. This tool it's well documented on its Github page (, there are also video tutorial (check wiki and tutorial about Scene Composer too).

Sorry not UI design just visual design. I was planning to make a tic-tac-toe with visual effects. If complete tutorial for a simple game can be made available it would be better. Thanks

fgnm commented

@SampuZ Here you can find tutorials how to create a simple platformer game with hyperlap and libgdx

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