
Consumer lag metrics are missing

bachmanity1 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using version 2.2.1, I've set minion.consumerGroups.enabled to true and I'm running consumers using kafka-console-consumer & kcat.

All the kminion_kafka_consumer_group_topic_* metrics except for kminion_kafka_consumer_group_topic_members & kminion_kafka_consumer_group_topic_assigned_partitions are missing. kminion_kafka_consumer_group_info shows info about my consumer groups but for some reason lag metrics are missing.

From the kminion logs it looks like lags should be reported:

{"level":"info","ts":"2023-01-04T23:04:07.510+0900","logger":"main.minion_service","msg":"successfully consumed all consumer offsets. consumer group lags will be exported from now on"}

I think I have to add that I'm running Kafka in the KRaft mode. (Kafka version 3.2-IV0)

sorry, problem was that consumers haven't committed offsets. Sorry for this dumb question. -_-