
How to set default values for typography field with Redux::set_option?

mbtocalli opened this issue · 1 comments

I couldnt find a solution in here or in any other forum. Sorry to ask, but I don't know how to set a default value for a redux field which is composed of an array, like Typograhpy or Sorter.
I can do it for simple fields with Redux::set_option($opt_name, 'FIELD_ID, 'VALUE'); but not with the afored mentiones fields. I've tried the following without success:

Redux::set_option($opt_name, ['topbar-link-font']['font-style'], '600');

I really appreciate any help

i just figured it out. This is the correct code:

Redux::set_option($opt_name, 'topbar-link-font', array(
'font-style' => '600',
'font-family' => 'Open Sans',
'google' => true,
'font-size' => '14',
'line-height' => '16',
'letter-spacing' => '0',
'text-transform' => 'none'