
remove implicit conversion to camel case of openapi operation id.

tombohub opened this issue · 3 comments

if open api schema states operationId: house_inventory_items_retrieve

than this should work in RTK query code generation: filterEndpoints: [/inventory_items/i],

For a library that promotes no side effects this should not happen.

For a library that promotes no side effects this should not happen.

You just earned yourself an issue close with a salty comment. We will definitely not help you unpaid in our free time with that behaviour.

(Also, that's not a side effect.)

@phryneas You are right, I apologize. I was salty at the moment and harshly opened issue instead of composing myself. Please forgive me!

Can we work around it? Could we please just have a sentence in documentation that says operationId is converted to camelCase?