
Add SWR comparison

charlieforward9 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am learning about best-practice for data fetching to decide which direction to take our applications data processes. It would be helpful to see how SWR compares to the rest of these fetchers here.

Honestly, we should probably take that comparison down since it's extremely outdated - we haven't even updated it with our own features that we added in the last few years.

As for your request:
At this point, I have no idea what SWR can actually do or not, so I don't have the knowledge to add that to the comparison. Afaik it has been abandoned for a few years and recently development has been taken up again, but I have no idea where they stand.

@phryneas makes sense. These projects update so frequently that maintaining a comparison is a project in itself.

This one is pretty good:

If its inaccurate, it would be helpful to point it out!

Thank you for your OS contributions.