
Selector Re-renders my component everytime even when no subscribed state is changed.

MuhammadAli13562 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to have a component avoid subscribing to ctx_win.chatMessages and thus returning only the meta info about ctx_win in the returned object. But either way whenver chatMessages change the selector not only recomputes which it has to , but it also re-renders the component subscribing only to this meta info on the ctx_win.

export const SelectContextWindowMetaById = createSelector(
  [SelectAllContextWindows, (_, Id: string) => Id],
  (contextWindows, Id) => {
    const ctx_win = contextWindows.find((ctx) => ctx.fileKey === Id);

    if (ctx_win)
      return {
        Id: ctx_win.Id,
        createdAt: ctx_win.createdAt,
        updatedAt: ctx_win.updatedAt,
        fileName: ctx_win.fileName,
        fileURL: ctx_win.fileURL,
        fileKey: ctx_win.fileKey,

Am i doing something wrong with returning an object because as far as i have read in docs object is deeply compared rather than just its reference.

closing in favour of #4374