
How to import the QueryHooks interface?

rwilliams3088 opened this issue · 19 comments

I wrap some of my endpoints in a generic class that is able to integrate RTK Query endpoints with AgGrid as a ServerSideDatasource. One of the interfaces that I rely upon is the QueryHooks interface, as I make use of the useLazyQuery() function.

I used to be able to import this from @reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/react/buildHooks, but that no longer works now that I've upgraded to the latest version of @reduxjs/toolkit. Nor does @reduxjs/toolkit/query/react or @reduxjs/toolkit/query/react/buildHooks.

I can work around this for now by duplicating the interface locally... but not the ideal solution. Please advise on how to properly import this interface into my code.

could you show how you're using the QueryHooks interface specifically?

Sure. Here are the props to my wrapper class, which uses the interface as part of the endpoint type definition.

export interface AgGridDatasourceProps<
  OPTS extends AgGridQueryArgs_Options = AgGridQueryArgs_Options,
  QA extends AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS> = AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS>, 
  RT extends AgQueryResponse = AgQueryResponse, 
  QD extends QueryDefinition<QA, any, any, RT, any> = QueryDefinition<QA, any, any, RT, any>
  > {
    endpoint: ApiEndpointQuery<QD, any> & QueryHooks<QD>;
    options?: Omit<OPTS, 'countOnly'>;
    queryArgs?: (orig: AgGridQueryArgs) => QA,

And this is used in the class to acquire a trigger function to invoke the query dynamically:

export function useAgGridDatasource<
  OPTS extends AgGridQueryArgs_Options = AgGridQueryArgs_Options,
  QA extends AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS> = AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS>,
  RT extends AgQueryResponse = AgQueryResponse,
  QD extends QueryDefinition<QA, any, any, RT, any> = QueryDefinition<QA, any, any, RT, any>, 
  P extends AgGridDatasourceProps<OPTS, QA, RT, QD> = AgGridDatasourceProps<OPTS, QA, RT, QD>
  >(props: P): AgGridServerSideDatasource {

  const { endpoint, options, queryArgs } = props;
  const [trigger] = endpoint.useLazyQuery();
  const query = trigger(qa, false); // invoked in a callback function by AgGrid

Not having access to this interface breaks my entire application

is useLazyQuery the only thing you're using endpoint for?

export interface AgGridDatasourceProps<
  OPTS extends AgGridQueryArgs_Options = AgGridQueryArgs_Options,
  QA extends AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS> = AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS>, 
  RT extends AgQueryResponse = AgQueryResponse
  > {
    endpoint: { useLazyQuery: TypedUseLazyQuery<RT, QA, any> }
    options?: Omit<OPTS, 'countOnly'>;
    queryArgs?: (orig: AgGridQueryArgs) => QA,

export function useAgGridDatasource<
  OPTS extends AgGridQueryArgs_Options = AgGridQueryArgs_Options,
  QA extends AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS> = AgGridQueryArgs<OPTS>,
  RT extends AgQueryResponse = AgQueryResponse,
  >(props: AgGridDatasourceProps<OPTS, QA, RT>): AgGridServerSideDatasource {

  const { endpoint, options, queryArgs } = props;
  const [trigger] = endpoint.useLazyQuery();
  const query = trigger(qa, false); // invoked in a callback function by AgGrid

is useLazyQuery the only thing you're using endpoint for?

That plus the type constraints for the query args and such

Found a work-around for the moment (but the hook interfaces still need to be exposed properly - please and thank you). Import it via the local file system in the node_modules folder:

import { QueryHooks } from "../../../../node_modules/@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/react/buildHooks";

did you try the code I posted?