Very poor naming of docs sections.
BrancuAlexandru opened this issue · 2 comments
BrancuAlexandru commented
What docs page needs to be fixed?
- Section: Redux Essentials, Redux Fundamentals
- Page: All of them.
What is the problem?
Redux Essentials is modern Redux, Redux Fundamentals is legacy redux. These are extremely undescriptive names.
What should be changed to fix the problem?
Each of these should be renamed to Modern Redux and Legacy Redux, respectively.
markerikson commented
Both of these tutorials serve a valid purpose, and the names are fine as-is.
"Fundamentals" explains the underlying core concepts: reducers, actions, state, UI behavior. These are the fundamental concepts behind Redux.
"Essentials" explains "how to use Redux, the right way, using RTK". That is the "essential" stuff you need to know to use Redux successfully.
BrancuAlexandru commented
Rationalizing level 1000. Sure.