Tutorial II provides sample blog post body with extra spacing, BlogPost test fails by default
arcticfly opened this issue · 2 comments
Some of the amazing documentation on this project needs a slight update. 9 extra spaces in the body of the sample blog post in BlogPost's story and test files results in an individual summarized post displaying 9 characters fewer than it should. I've included a screenshot of the troublesome space I'm referencing below.
When this blog post body is truncated to contain only 100 characters in BlogPost's storybook or tests, it will consequently contain only 91 characters, not 100 as we expect. I've included another image to illustrate what I mean.
The fix for this issue is simple. We just need to change the documentation for the body of our sample blog post in BlogPost's storybook on Our First Story and its test on Our First Test to no longer contain extra spaces.
As a separate but related issue, we should update BlogPost's test in the documentation so that it no longer looks for extra spaces in the summarized post's body (see screenshot below).
Test works fine by default now!
Hey guys, I'm back. I forgot to adjust the highlighted code block lines for the code blocks I modified in my previous pull request, so I'm creating another pull request to correct this oversight. In addition, I slightly refactored a related sample code block to display a little better, (and I did remember to adjust the highlighted code blocks this time :) )