Netlify Authentication Discussion - Auth Token update
jacebenson opened this issue · 3 comments
I ran through the tutorial from beginning to deployment the other day and noted that the Auth Docs bit token needs an update.
) doesn't line up with the content form the invite email. Netlify no longer emails a link ending in #invite_token, instead it's a link like this;
If you copy the p
attribute and base64 decode it, and parse it, you get an object like so;
"s": "Uzks-IHHTrHaZCD3WuVV_3Adk9E",
"v": 1,
"p": "{\"u\":31128206,\"v\":1,\"url\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/#invite_token=WGSEnAYDw8a4_y9Eqi7opQ\",\"id\":\"d4a7e3dc25a64f06b9dc1047194febc5\",\"url_ids\":[\"9eb64ddae17f2db806d64d9496411d84de03567c\"]}"
You can see the #invite_token
in there but it's not as clear.
I tried using the ?p=eyJzIjoiVXprcy1JSEhUckhhWkNEM1d1VlZfM0FkazlFIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMTEyODIwNixcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvc3RvaWMta251dGgtNGM0NjQwLm5ldGxpZnkuYXBwXFxcLyNpbnZpdGVfdG9rZW49V0dTRW5BWUR3OGE0X3k5RXFpN29wUVwiLFwiaWRcIjpcImQ0YTdlM2RjMjVhNjRmMDZiOWRjMTA0NzE5NGZlYmM1XCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiOWViNjRkZGFlMTdmMmRiODA2ZDY0ZDk0OTY0MTFkODRkZTAzNTY3Y1wiXX0ifQ
on my localhost but that did not seem to work for me.
My proposal
But if you look at the URL it will end in something like #invite_token=6gFSXhugtHCXO5Whlc5V. Copy that (including the #) and append it to your localhost URL:
But if you look at the URL it will end in ?p=SOMELONGSTRING. Copy that
value and paste it into your favorite base64 decoder (or this if you dont know look in the payload for the#invite_token=SOMEOTHERSTRING
. Copy that (including the #) and append it to your localhost URL http://localhost:8910/#invite_token=6gFSXhugtHCXO5Whlc5Vg
Looking furhter at the email source I can see the original link for the content-type: text/plain
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
== You have been invited ==
You have been invited to create a user on Follow this link to accept the
Accept the invite
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<h2>You have been invited</h2>
<p>You have been invited to create a user on Follow this link to accept the invite:</p>
<p><a href="">Accept the invite</a></p><img src="" height="1" width="1">
Did you try clicking the link in the email? That should open the browser, follow the crazy link, then redirect to the “plain” URL where you can just copy the invite token from the address bar.
That’s what we tell people to do in the tutorial itself, were you trying to cheat? ;)
I misread the first thing to do. Go find that and click the accept the invite link
I must have thought it said "find that and copy that link"