Wrong height
badoubadou opened this issue · 1 comments
badoubadou commented
I'm loading an asset from cesium ion.
The issue is it's not showing the proper height. When I look at the asset on the cesium ion page, the height is correct, ie on the ground.
But when I look at it with craco-cesium it float above the ground.
What should I do ?
here is my code :
import React from "react";
import { Viewer, Cesium3DTileset } from "resium";
import { IonResource, Ion } from "cesium";
function ResiumPlayer(props) {
Ion.defaultAccessToken = process.env.REACT_APP_ION_TOKEN;
let viewer; // This will be raw Cesium's Viewer object.
const AssetId = props.IonAssetId;
return false;
const handleReady = tileset => {
if (viewer) {
viewer.infoBox.frame.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-forms allow-scripts";
return (
ref={e => {
viewer = e && e.cesiumElement;
<Cesium3DTileset url={IonResource.fromAssetId(AssetId)} onReady={handleReady} />
export default ResiumPlayer;
badoubadou commented
Found it.
Needed cesium world terrain.
import { Cartesian3, createWorldTerrain } from "cesium";
const terrainProvider = createWorldTerrain();
function App() {
return (
<Viewer full terrainProvider={terrainProvider}>