
[BUG] Register AuthPage using wrong i18n key

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

When using the register authpage in combination with i18n, the default auth page is using the wrong key for the "Already have an account" text. It uses pages.login.buttons.haveAccount even tho in the i18n translation file offered by the refine documentation has that key in the pages.register.buttons.haveAccount. This should be changed so it matches pages.login.buttons.noAccount

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a refine project (for example vite)
  2. Setup i18n using the refine documentation
  3. Switch languages to a non-english language
  4. See the register page

Expected behavior

It should use the correct key and translate the value



Additional Context

No response

Hey @BlackBearFTW thanks for the issue. We are open to contributions for this one.

Hey @BatuhanW since the PR linking to this issue is closed. Can i take this up ?. will keep the PR template and provide the necessary info this time.

I do not know how to make this changelist without cloning the entire repository to local, so if someone else wants to pick this up go ahead.

I want to work on this issue. Can you assign this to me?