
[BUG] Datagrid replace filters with shortened on the query string

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

After refreshing the page, datagrid replaces pageSize=25&current=1&filters[0][field]=startNum&filters[0][operator]=gte&filters[0][value][0]=1&filters[1][field]=endNum&filters[1][operator]=lte&filters[1][value][0]=4url with
pageSize=25&current=1&filters[0][field]=startNum&filters[0][value][0]=1&filters[0][operator]=gte. I can't find any reason of it. Also datagrid filters is changed.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Update datagrid filters using setFilters of useDataGrid
  2. See query string is changed like this
  3. Refresh the page
  4. Query-string is changed with this pageSize=25&current=1&filters[0][field]=startNum&filters[0][value][0]=1&filters[0][operator]=gte after datagrid is initialized.

Expected behavior

It should keep the filter's query-string and datagrid filters as it is,


  • "@refinedev/cli": "^2.16.21",
  • "@refinedev/core": "4.49.0",
  • "@refinedev/devtools": "1.1.36",
  • "@refinedev/inferencer": "4.6.0",
  • "@refinedev/kbar": "1.3.8",
  • "@refinedev/mui": "5.14.6",
  • "@refinedev/react-hook-form": "4.8.16",
  • "@refinedev/react-router-v6": "4.5.7",

Additional Context

No response

I found the issue

warning.js:8 MUI: The filterModelcan only contain a single item when thedisableMultipleColumnsFilteringprop is set totrue. If you are using the community version of the DataGrid, this prop is always true.