
[BUG] appendCurrentPathToQuery on Authenticated

Masterearth077 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

<Authenticated appendCurrentPathToQuery={false} fallback={}>
{/* Your routes here */}

it not work appendCurrentPathToQuery={false} i do false but it still true or working route to param query after login

Steps To Reproduce

  1. using
  2. do appendCurrentPathToQuery={false} on it
  3. i put url with Query Param like http://localhost:9777/login?to=%2FContactPublic
  4. login
  5. it not go welcome page but it still follow to ContactPublic page
  6. end

Expected behavior

it not work appendCurrentPathToQuery={false} i do false but it still true or working route to param query after login


import {Authenticated} from "@refinedev/core";

Additional Context

No response

Hey @Masterearth077 please provide a minimal reproducible example. We couldn't reproduce it.

appendCurrentPathToQuery tells the <Authenticated /> component whether to insert to parameter or not. If set to true, it will redirect and append the current path with to parameter to the URL. If set to false, current path will not be included in to parameter.

useLogin hook will respect the to parameter regardless of the appendCurrentPathToQuery (they're unrelated) prop of <Authenticated />.

If you append to to the url manually, then it's best to check and remove to manually from URL as well.

I think this is not related with Refine. For this scenario, we'll not make any changes to the useLogin for this behavior.

If you think this is related with Refine and should be fixed by the package itself, feel free to re-open with your proposal 🚀