
[BUG] `mutationOptions` are overriding Refine's behavior unexpectedly

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

Consider this:

import { useLogin } from "@refinedev/core";

const { mutateAsync: login, isLoading } = useLogin({
    mutationOptions: {
        onSuccess(data) {

And authProvider.ts as follow:

"use client";

import { AuthBindings, HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";

export const authProvider: AuthBindings = {
    login: async ({ username, password }) => {
        try {
            // Preform login
            return { success: true, redirectTo: "/" };
        } catch (error) {
            return {
                success: false,
                error: { message: "Username or password is incorrect", statusCode: (error as HttpError).statusCode },

Then onSuccess callback on useLogin will override the Refine's behavior for onSuccess causing the redirectTo to not work.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a login component
  2. Create an authProvider
  3. Add a custom onSuccess callback in useLogin({ mutationOptions: onSuccess() { /* callback */ }});
  4. Redirect doesn't happen after successful login

Expected behavior

mutationOptions should work along side the Refine's default behavior, redirect should occur.


  • @refinedev/core

Additional Context

No response

As this can be seen from this line:

mutationOptions?: Omit<
UseMutationOptions<TLoginData, Error | RefineError, TVariables, unknown>,
"mutationFn" | "onError" | "onSuccess"

We're omitting onSuccess handler from the mutationOptions on purpose.

On all other Refine hooks, we've omitted onSuccess, onSettled, onError methods if we're using them in our implementation. If we're going to make them work without breaking the current implementation, we need to apply similar changes to all Refine hooks like in the PR #5889

@aliemir How can one provide redirect after successful mutate if there's no onSuccess anymore?