
[BUG] MUI Inferencer sets all fields to required

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

We use a graphql setup with an inferencer to generate CRUD screens using Material UI.
When using the inferencer all the form fields get flagged as 'required'. Since we want to automate the project as much as possible, having to manually remove these required flags is very undesired.
Looking at the source code you can find some hardcoded config on the form fields:

Steps To Reproduce

Have a resource with some optional fields
Create CRUD screens with the inferencer
Open the Create screen
Save blank form
All fields will be flagged red

Expected behavior

Expecting the 'required' flag to only be added on resource fields of type 'NON_NULL' (or those marked with "!").


"@refinedev/core": "^4.49.0",
"@refinedev/graphql": "^6.5.0",
"@refinedev/inferencer": "^4.6.0",
"@refinedev/mui": "^5.14.5",
"@refinedev/react-router-v6": "^4.5.7",

Additional Context

No response

Hey @otakueadwine, understood the need here, yet the Inferencer components' outputs are designed to be edited rather than using it as is. We're marking all inferred fields as required to make sure we're not breaking the interacted APIs with corrupted data.

As a workaround, you can create your own inferencer components, we're exporting all the required methods and components within our @refinedev/inferencer package and you can copy-paste the source code to implement your own templates.

Unfortunately for now we're not planning changing this behavior of Inferencer components. Let us know if we can help with any other issues 🙏