
[BUG] nextjs 14 upgrade breaks imports

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

When upgrading next 13 to 14 there is an issue with imports exports.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Footer')
at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@refinedev/antd/node_modules/@ant-design/pro-layout/lib/components/Footer.js:14:27)

Steps To Reproduce

create next app
install @refinedev/antd
yarn install
yarn dev

Expected behavior

Should run the app with on expected errors in the console


  • @refinedev/antd

Additional Context

No response

Hey @annschultequindar,

Just tried with create-next-app and used App Router to initialize my app. Installed @refinedev/core and @refinedev/antd and initialized <Refine /> with a proper page using @refindev/antd components. Had no such error.

Then I re-created an app using Pages router and did the same configuration. No issues with it as well.

Can you try upgrading your @refinedev/antd and antd versions? It might be related with an outdated version 🤔

Closing this due to inactivity, please feel free to re-open when you can provide more info about the issue @annschultequindar

I encountered this issue in a test environment where next.config.mjs contained transpilePackages: ["@refinedev/antd"]. After removing it from the transpilePackages array, the issue resolved.

Thank you! I think this is the issue I am facing has to do with @ant-design/icons not compiling but I also had the transpilePackages: ["@refinedev/antd"] in my next.config so that solved part of the problem. Thank you!