
Add more tooltip hints

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  • Add a tooltip that shows which resource will be put into a filter slot (w/ alternatives)
  • Add a tooltip that shows which resource will be inserted in a grid slot (w/ alternatives)
    • from carried
    • from inventory [not going to do this as it requires an extra mouse click]
    • by scrolling [not going to do this as scrolling requires an extra key (shift)]
  • Add a tooltip that shows which resource will be extracted from a grid slot (w/ alternatives)
    • by scrolling [not going to do this as scrolling requires an extra key (shift/ctrl)]
  • Modify the "applicable upgrades" tooltip to show the upgrades in item form
  • Remove display name text for resource hints.
  • Add help text with the side buttons.
  • Add warning text for empty allowlist.
  • Add help text with the filter slots.
  • Modify the "supported by" tooltip to show the machines in item form
  • Add help text on items.
  • Auto splitting for help text