
content_for sample code is overwriting HTML in body_content_right

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I have copied/pasted the sample render code from the README into /pages/show. The code seems to replace the HTML in the right content section. If I move the content_for block below the render :partial /shared/content_page , then the HTML displays but not the images. I thought content_for was supposed to append the content to the section, but are you overwriting this feature somewhere? Any help is much appreciated.


That's how it works, it replaces instead of appending.. which is kinda odd, you're right.

Thanks for the quick response. I have done a workaround by adding the
<%=raw @page.content_for(Page.default_parts.second.to_sym) %> before
the content I wanted to append.

Thanks for your help and all the work you have done on refinery. I am
really enjoying it.
