
Feature Request: Blog/News Thumbnail

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Could we allow images to be attached to each post (blog and news) rather than just pages please?

Which basically means you want to be able to attach images to any object?

@parndt yes I suppose. The way I'm doing it currently is adding a column to the blog post table and modifying the blog admin form view and model. Just would be nice to have this feature "out of the box" :)

+1 for this feature. Being able to attach images to any object would really make this engine more useful.

Was there any development on this?

People I think did this privately and never contributed it. I've seen variants in the wild but I can't recall where.

What's the best way too fix this? I need this functionality too and am willing to help

See the discussion in #81, which was merged so this should work already?

Oops! :) Thanks! I'll take a look