
Can't add image to gallery by clicking the "Add an image to this gallery" button

jerefrer opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

When I click the "Add an image to this gallery" next to a gallery in the admin galleries#index page I'm redirected to the new image form but with no gallery selected in the dropdown menu. Also the gallery I created could not be selected in that dropdown menu.

If I click create the image will then be properly created, but as a top-level image, not inside the gallery I wanted.

Creating images through the "Add an image button" on galleries#index works perfectly though, provided I selected the proper gallery in the dropdown menu (and this time the gallery I created was selectable)

Cheers !

I can reproduce this using the tip of 2-0-stable. All the galleries except the correct one are available in the drop-down menu.

The issue is outdated, i'm closing it.