
regen cli has duplicate update-group-admin

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regen tx group -h
Group transaction subcommands

  regen tx group [flags]
  regen tx group [command]

Available Commands:
  create-group                  Create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin].
  create-group-account          Create a group account which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin].
  create-proposal               Submit a new proposal
  exec                          Execute a proposal
  update-group-account-admin    Update a group account admin
  update-group-account-metadata Update a group account metadata
  update-group-account-policy   Update a group account decision policy
  update-group-admin            Update a group's admin
  update-group-admin            Update a group's admin
  update-group-members          Update a group's members. Set a member's weight to "0" to delete it.
  vote                          Vote on a proposal

No longer an issue with the latest version of regen ledger (v5.0).

regen tx group -h
Group transaction subcommands

  regen tx group [flags]
  regen tx group [command]

Available Commands:
  create-group                        Create a group which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights and an administrator account.
  create-group-policy                 Create a group policy which is an account associated with a group and a decision policy. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from [admin].
  create-group-with-policy            Create a group with policy which is an aggregation of member accounts with associated weights, an administrator account and decision policy.
  draft-proposal                      Generate a draft proposal json file. The generated proposal json contains only one message (skeleton).
  exec                                Execute a proposal
  leave-group                         Remove member from the group
  submit-proposal                     Submit a new proposal
  update-group-admin                  Update a group's admin
  update-group-members                Update a group's members. Set a member's weight to "0" to delete it.
  update-group-metadata               Update a group's metadata
  update-group-policy-admin           Update a group policy admin
  update-group-policy-decision-policy Update a group policy's decision policy
  update-group-policy-metadata        Update a group policy metadata
  vote                                Vote on a proposal
  withdraw-proposal                   Withdraw a submitted proposal