
Custom file search / textlist doesn't work on large lists

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected behaviour

I used to use rofi with a keyboard shortcut that launched this:

xdg-open "$(fdfind . $HOME | rofi -dmenu -i -p find)"

This finds everything (interesting) in my home directory, passes it to rofi, I do some typing to filter, and then xdg-open launches whatever I settle on.


I tried running:

fdfind $HOME | ilia -p textlist

but it takes several seconds to launch and is then too slow to use.


I would try ilia's default file search but it's not working #23

I've done some testing and also found the UI to be sluggish with around 200K items. I wasn't able to find a solution that resulted in a definitively better experience. This is the function that's performing the filtration:

Not sure about the best approach to optimize for large lists at this time.