
Labels of scripts are hardcoded

Closed this issue · 9 comments

With the latest update, the icons of the various blocks are hardcoded inside the scripts. This way, adding a custom label to a block, duplicates the original label and the custom label.

Best regards

Hi @MerlinElMago ! You are adding the custom label in the i3xrocks config file?

Yes, that was a test with my own icons which got interpreted as labes instead of icons.

Yeah this is a known issue after adding the Pango formatting in to blocklets. I'll take a look at this soon.

I haven't forgotten about this! I'm still exploring some options around blocklets and Xresources styling. It's a bigger issue that we should think properly about how to implement.

Can I help somehow?

Hey @MerlinElMago ! I'm still trying to figure out what the best approach is here. We've been discussing it over in the Slack channel. We could rewrite all of these scripts and call out to Xresources to get both label font label colour, value font (not necessarily the same as label font) value colour as well as short text.

Another thought I had was to have some kind of middleware that deals with the styling. Something like barista is tempting. I started on a i3blocks config interpreter for barista and I'll see how it goes. If you're interested in helping let me know! Join Slack if you're in to that kinda thing.

While we wait for @leosunmo 's new bar, I've updated the Xresrouces and the default i3xrocks scripts to retrieve labels from Xresources.



Work remains on scripts that are not on by default.

Sorry guys for not checking my messages in 12 days.

Yeah, I will try the Slack thing as soon as I have a little more time next week and hopefully help to contribute more.

But for now, the interim solution looks good.


Given the state of the icons in Xresources, I think this issue can be closed but re-open if I've missed something.