awesome rehype awesome

A curated list of awesome rehype resources.

rehype is an HTML processor powered by plugins part of the unified collective.




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Built on rehype

  • MDX - Markdown combined with JSX.
  • mdx-deck - MDX-based presentation decks.
  • Gatsby - Blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React.
  • netlify-cms - CMS for static site generators.
  • Phenomic - Modular website compiler.
  • Docz - Document your design system.
  • nteract - Interactive computing suite for you.
  • documentation.js - Documentation system for modern JavaScript.
  • svgr - Transform SVGs into React components.
  • nextein - Static site generator with Markdown + React for Next.js.
  • prettyhtml - Formatter for your Angular, Vue, Svelte or HTML templates.
  • bytemd - Hackable markdown editor component.
  • markdown-to-html-cli - Command line tool that converts markdown to HTML.

Built with rehype

  • freeCodeCamp - Learn to code for free.
  • Node.js - Node.js JavaScript runtime.
  • angular - Development platform for mobile and desktop apps.
  • rxjs - Reactive Extensions For JavaScript.
  • stdlib - Standard library emphasizing numerical and scientific applications.

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CC-BY © Titus Wormer