NameError: uninitialized constant RocketJob::Plugins::Job::Model::Boolean
Closed this issue · 2 comments
OpenCoderX commented
Provide at least:
- Ruby Version.
- ruby "2.5.8", :engine => "jruby", :engine_version => ""
- Rocket Job Version.
- 'rocketjob', '5.4.1
- 'rocketjob_mission_control', '5.0.1'
- Application/framework names and versions (e.g. Rails, Sinatra, Puma, etc.).
- puma (5.2.2-java)
- 'rails', ''
- Full Stack Trace, if an exception is being raised.
~ bundle exec rocketjob
NameError: uninitialized constant RocketJob::Plugins::Job::Model::Boolean
load_missing_constant at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
const_missing at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
Model at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
module_eval at org/jruby/
append_features at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
include at org/jruby/
class:Job at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
module:RocketJob at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
create_indexes at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
run at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
run at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
load at org/jruby/
at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
eval at org/jruby/
at /home/user/.rvm/gems/jruby-
Expected Behavior
rocketjob should start
Actual Behavior
we receive an error: uninitialized constant RocketJob::Plugins::Job::Model::Boolean
Pull Request
- Consider submitting a Pull Request with a fix for the issue.
- Or, even a Pull request that only includes a test that reproduces the problem.
OpenCoderX commented
This appears to have been fixed in the 6.0 series
reidmorrison commented
Yes, this change was required by the Mongoid gem. Using an older version of Mongoid will work with Rocket Job v5.
Rocket Job v6, although marked as a release candidate is fully production ready. The challenge is that work on the Web interface (RJMC) is ongoing. There is a an early version of RJMC available that we are running in production, and is fully functional. RJMC is undergoing a significant appearance overhaul.