I have 2 wonderful children and for Xmas they received a Toniebox [1]. There are many many incredbile Tonie's out there, but we were struggeling with what we can fill our Creative Tonies. After a while we found many wonderful stories for kids on Spotify [2] and we wondered why not having these stories on a Creative Tonie.
So this handy tool is to sync Spotify playlists with your Creative Tonies.
Remark: To use this tool you must have a Spotify premium abo!
My special thanks to:
- Geert Vandeweyer for stream_recorder.pl [3]
- Wander Nauta for SP [4]
[1]: https://www.tonies.com/
[2]: https://www.spotify.com/
[3]: https://bitbucket.org/geertvandeweyer/spotify_recorder/src
[4]: https://gist.github.com/wandernauta/6800547
To build a single package including all dependencies:
mvn clean package assembly:single install
Generate URI to accept all terms & conditions for your clientId at Spotify
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --apicode
Generate your refreshToken
based on the data
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --code "[DATA PARAMETER]"
Sync one playlist to a Tonie. No daemon which keeps syncing, just a one-shot
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --playlist "[PLAYLIST NAME ON SPOTIFY]" --tonie "[NAME OF TONIE]"
Run Spotify Toniebox Sync as daemon which keeps polling & syncing
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --daemon &
There are 3 properties-file you have to adapt for your personal needs.
This properties file contains everything which is necessary for the Spotify communication and caching audio files which are downloaded from Spotify.
# Setup to run with Spotify
You have to setup a ClientId at https://developer.spotify.com for spotify.clientId
, spotify.clientSecret
and spotify.redirectUri
can be selected randomly by you, it must be a valid URI but nothing has to be hosted there. You have to use the same here as in the ClientId
To get the refreshToken
Fill out spotify.clientId
, spotify.clientSecret
and spotify.redirectUri
Buid the software like described above.
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --apicode
The call will result in some output like
URI: https://accounts.spotify.com:443/authorize?client_id=e26995898f9f4e4d9bf45b3001e6701d&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmaximilian.voss.rocks%2Fspotify-redirect&state=x4xkmn9pu3j6ukrs8n&scope=playlist-read-private%2Cplaylist-read-collaborative%2Cplaylist-modify-private%2Cplaylist-modify-public&show_dialog=true
Open this URI in your web-browser, enter your credentials, agree and see that you are going to be redirected to spotify.redirectUri
The URI has a parameter data
appended. Take the value (after the data parameter is a state parameter, make sure you don't copy this as well).
Take the data
parameter and execute:
java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --code "[DATA-PARAMETER]"
The call will result in some output like
Refresh Token: AQBStXZ6GhKpU-eGSN2GS13d0kITqUBgqeXWgMLlFOSacOpjSQ-nB9F-Y3KOT4dGRB_aAV5bX1T8hDoKQP04hGqJkhhiVonKZgWBFVuWSqoHDEm-eiKKg0nT3qY0nOxEX_zNXg
Take the refresh token and fill spotify.refreshToken
in the properties file.
As for spotify.cachePath
, select any temp directory where you want to cache the Spotify songs.
Insert your Toniebox credentials here:
# Toniebox credentials
toniebox.trackname="%d - %a - %n"
If you want to name your toniebox users in a specific schema you have the possibility to set toniebox.trackname
The available variables are:
Variable | Meaning |
%i | Spotify track Id |
%a | Artist names |
%n | Track name |
%d | Disc number |
%t | Track number |
The Trackname must always start with the Track Id. This will be used to determine if a track is already uploaded.
If you want to run Spotify Toniebox Sync as a daemon you have to fill this properties file.
Each mapping[X] is a set of Tonie Id
;Spotify Playlist URI
can be found in the URL of your creative Tonie.
Spotify Playlist URI
: context menu in Spotify -> Share -> Copy Spotify URI.
Installation based on vanilla Ubuntu 64-bit Server 18.04.1
apt-get install -y x11vnc xvfb sox lame qdbus ffmpeg pulseaudio dbus-x11 xinit
echo deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y spotify-client
git clone git@git.voss.rocks:toniebox/spotify-download-service.git
ln -sf $PWD/spotify-toniebox-sync/bin/sp /usr/local/bin
ln -sf $PWD/spotify-toniebox-sync/bin/stream_recorder.pl /usr/local/bin/
To check if Spotify is really running and maybe to also adjust there some settings.
x11vnc -display :99 -bg -nopw -xkb
Everything you need to make it run:
nohup Xvfb :99 -screen 0 800x600x16 &
nohup pulseaudio --start &
nohup spotify $SPOTIFY_OPTIONS &
nohup java -jar spotify-toniebox-sync-[VERSION]-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --daemon &