
pause or abort auto run?

Data-drone opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there a way to pause or abort an autorun?

I have been getting weird errors on a recent run and it would have been helpful to have had a way to abort it so that I can investigate but without deleting the job and losing the results

Hi, is this for Bayesian Optimization?

Unfortunately there is no way to abort an autorun right now other than force quitting the Xcessiv server through CTRL+C.

As for investigating the errors, not sure what you mean but the run should stop immediately when an exception is raised and you'll be able to see the error message itself. Don't worry about losing info when deleting autoruns, as the base learners created by the autorun will not be deleted.

I was trying lightgbm and getting 0.9999 R-squared for all runs so I suspect something was wrong and wanted to pauce the Bayes opt to check

I see. Well unfortunately pausing an autorun in the middle of executing is a bit difficult in the current implementation so there really isn't a way to do that right now.