
A python script that allows having custom per-machine components in VCS'd config files

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


A simple python script that can be used to generate config files from phragments.

How it works

Let's say, for the sake of example, that you use i3wm. You have your config file in a git repo, and you share it across machines, for the ultimate uniform experience.

But sometimes, the ultimate uniform experience may not be what you are looking for.

You may want to have a certain set of theme colors in a computer (say, your personal ThinkPad x220) and a completely different one in another.

So, how can phrag help?

The i3wm config file is, by default (at least on ubuntu, which I use), on ~/.config/i3/config.

Create a folder inside that folder called phrag (so, ~/.config/i3/phrag).

Inside that folder, create a folder called config (note, same name as the file we will end up creating).

And inside that one, create 3 files:

  • config.template
  • colors
  • colors.default

Fill the file config.template with the settings that will be common to all versions of the config file. Bindings, startup programs, etc...

Now, in the place where you would fill the colors, with something like this:

client.focused           #222AD9 #222AD9 #FFFFFF #2E9EF4 #285577 
client.focused_inactive  #5F676A #5F676A #FFFFFF #484E50 #5F676A 
client.urgent            #FF003F #FF003F #FFFFFF #FF003F #FF003F 
client.unfocused         #333333 #333333 #888888 #292D2E #222222 
client.placeholder       #0C0C0C #0C0C0C #FFFFFF #000000 #0C0C0C 
client.background        #FFFFFF

instead put only this:


Put the color information in the colors file you created earlier instead. The colors.default file will be used instead, if found, if the colors file is not found.

If a file with the same name as a matching string is not found, the tag is ignored. This may cause errors, so it is advisable to have defaults files for each tag.

Now run phrag, like so:

python3 phrag.py --workingDir ~/.config/i3

And voilá, a new version of the ~/.config/i3/config file will have been generated, that has the phragments defined in ~/.config/i3/phrag/config that have matching tags.

This allows one to only have to check into VCS the .template and .default files, leaving you free to override them at will in individual machines.