
What is the license?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I couldn't find any information regarding the license under which this plugin was released.
If this project is a free/open-source plugin, then please include a valid license in it.

Is there any specific license you would prefer?

Otherwise, I can just add an MIT License.

I prefer copyleft licenses. But that is your choice for sure.

  • AGPL enforces the whole project to become AGPL and also the source code to be released
  • GPL-3.0 enforces the whole project to become GPL-3.0 but the source code must be provided to the user, who owns the code and runs it
  • LGPL allows to use of this project as a dependency even on a proprietary project but if they modify this project, they must release the source code (of this project)

I think LGPL is better than MIT for such projects. But it is your choice.