
Anyone compiled it on Free Pascal?

divinity76 opened this issue · 2 comments

the Delphi Community Edition currently seems completely broken: when signing up, you get an email with a serial-code, and when trying to use that serial-code during installation, it will say

No valid license information found for Embarcadero Delphi 10.4. You must provide a valid serial number(blablabla)

and when trying to email about the issue, you get an error

550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces.

so yeah... seems Delphi Community Edition is not currently an option.. Anyone tried compiling it on Free Pascal?

just had a crack at it, seems this is going to be very difficult: the first hurdle is that uFreeLocalizer won't compile because it uses System.LoadResString which seems to be missing in FreePascal..

but i also got the feeling that this is just the top of the iceberg of problems for getting HFS2 compiling on FreePascal =/

another problem with the Community Edition: last version of CE able to compile JEDI Code Library was 10.3, they removed support in 10.4 per x.x
(the paid version is still compatible, the Community Edition isn't.)