
Dissertation: mapping musical frequencies to possible note placement on guitar using LSTM Network.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

M-Audio Repository

This repository contains BSci CompSci final year dissertation project.

Title: Real-Time Transcription of Guitar

Key Objective: Provide a User Interface that enables real-time transcription of guitar.

Abstract: Music Transcription is the process of converting music into written notation. This project attempts to achieve this task in real-time. The problem is initially broken down into two fundamental components. Pitch Detection and Note Localisation. Pitch Detection focuses on obtaining the note and the octave through frequency conversion. Note Localisation focuses on localising the note-octave combination to the fretboard of the guitar. To select the method for each component - prior evaluation of existing methods is conducted. Pitch Detection methods (Yin, Average Magnitude Difference Function and Fast Fourier Transform) are evaluated against a dataset of >32k guitar note recordings. Note Localisation methods (Long Short Term Memory and Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network Models) are trained and evaluated against a web-scraped dataset of >3k Tablatures. This project proposes and implements a modular system, developed in Python, that offers real-time transcription of guitar.

To request the full paper please contact me on definaly@gmail.com.


The system has been implemented in modules. These modules can be found in python/app/classes folder.

  • python/app/classes/audio.py => Audio Module
  • python/app/classes/staffgen.py => Staff Generator Module
  • python/app/classes/model.py => ML Model Module

The classes are imported & used by the User Interface, located in app.py.

Initial Design:

This is the proposed design of the system:

This is the actual design of the system:


To evaluate existing Pitch Detection methods, two existing repositories were used. The results from the evaluation are processed in evaluation/pitch_detection_analysis.ipynb.

I want to thank the authors of these repositories:

AI Model:

This project uses an LSTM model trained on web scraped data. The data scraping was done via gather/extract.py, and then processed via transform.py. The extracted data can be found in evaluation/data/tabs.csv.

The model was trained and tested in note_localisation_analysis.ipynb.


  1. pip install -r python/requirments.txt
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt (this is a larger file containing the pip freeze without removing any unused dependencies. You might not need to run this step but if something isn't working, do.)
  3. To install pyaudio run pip install pipwin pipwin install PyAudio (if you're on Windows)

Label Audio from .wav file:

  1. Split the file into chunks using python python/split.py python/data/test1.wav python/data/temp 10 -27. Parameters 10 & -27 are min_silence_length and silence threshold (might need tweaking depending on file)
  2. Estimate frequencies using python python/batch_extract.py data/temp/test1. This file has 2 implementations - FFT & Yin which can be switched by removing comment.

Potential issues:

  1. This project requires numpy==1.18. It's recommended to setup venv and install specific version via pip install numpy==1.18

venv docs: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/