
How to get data in other langauges (e.g., Chinese or Japanese)?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for the great work! I'm wondering where to modify the code to fetch the data in other languages.

Could you give me some pointers? Thanks!

Ah sorry, the script in main branch have stopped working from last 5 days. Because the site structure doesnot allow for scraping from js chunk files anymore. [Main JS file I used to scrape data doesnot exist anymore]

You can use from dev branch, uses site api [hopefully that doesnot change].
It is a bit documented.

It is still work in progress because I have not typed the models yet. Nonetheless, it will fetch all data and save it in json, as far as I have tried.

the O_VALUE in sometimes changes. Its working for now, so you would have to look in site main js file.
You can dm me on discord if you need any help. reko#8221

Thanks for the quick response! And really appreciate the comprehensive explanation.

I'll give the dev branch a try. And I'm glad to connect through discord : ) (I'm making discord bots for HSR.)